The April Barcode: Sustainability and Environmentally Friendliness Impact on Consumers’ Brand Affinity
The Barcode Report delivers the world’s deepest and most relevant insights on everyday consumer spending.

How FIs can use data to drive customer financial wellness and personalization
The Sensibill Data Lab is a team of in-house data scientists dedicated to providing transparent and accessible insights about consumers’ actions to drive growth and personalization at scale for Sensibill’s clients.

The January Barcode: Wellness spending trends as we head into a new year
The Barcode Report delivers the world’s deepest and most relevant insights on everyday consumer spending.

The Barcode Report Review 2021: A Year in Receipts
Looking back at the monthly Barcode Reports and purchasing trends in 2021 as we head into the new year. With the world changing around us, we captured this ebb and flow of consumer behaviours through our receipt data.

The December Barcode: Black Friday & Cyber Monday spending habits in North America
The Barcode Report delivers the world’s deepest and most relevant insights on everyday consumer spending. For December, we focused the Barcode Report on consumer spending trends related to Black Friday in the United States and Canada.

Turning algorithms into visualizations to bring data to life
At Sensibill, we are on a mission to humanize banking. The Sensibill Barcode Report is the perfect example of how to use data in a meaningful and helpful way. When creating these monthly reports, the process can be broken down into three main parts: exploration, collection and interpretation, and visualization.

Putting the data puzzle pieces together to reveal the whole picture
The Sensibill Data Lab is a team of in-house data scientists dedicated to providing transparent and accessible insights about consumers’ actions to drive growth and personalization at scale for Sensibill’s clients.

The November Barcode: consumer spend signals “work-from-home” is here to stay
For November, we focused the Barcode Report on consumer spending trends related to tech and computer accessories.

How your financial institution can leverage small business financial data to offer better support
By leveraging financial data on your small businesses, your financial institution can provide better personalization, education, and service offerings.

Do our apps know us better than we know ourselves?
People expect personalization in their lives, and yes, that includes financial services. The good news? 87% of customers are willing to have details of their activity tracked in exchange for more personalized rewards and brand experiences.

The October Barcode: The great apple VS pumpkin pie debate
For October, we set out to determine do more people buy apple or pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, whether people host at home or dine out, and other spends we can uncover. A few trends might surprise you!

The September Barcode: Beyond the 'Panic-Purchase' Mindset
Taking a close look at consumer spending over the last 3 months, the data reveals consumers are no longer in ‘panic-purchase’ mindset. Learn more about what we’re spending on.

How data can help banks drive true financial wellness
How data can help banks actually drive true financial wellness.

The Banking Data Arms Race. It’s Real. It’s Now.
What are the opportunity costs of FIs not leveraging data? Turns out it’s quite a significant amount of cost savings and revenue.

The August Barcode: Consumer spend returning to normal
Taking a close look at consumer spending over the last 3 months, the data reveals spending is returning to normalcy. Learn more about what we’re spending on.

The July Barcode: Pet-related spend during the pandemic in Canada
Not only are people adopting more pets, but they’re spending more on their pets, too. We break down all of the spend-related insights from consumer pet spend in Canada in our July 2021 Barcode Report!

The July Barcode: Pet-related spend during the pandemic in the USA
Not only are people adopting more pets, but they’re spending more on their pets, too. We break down all of the spend-related insights from consumer pet spend in the USA in our July 2021 Barcode Report!

The June Barcode: Consumer travel spend during the pandemic
Discover the insights we’ve unearthed around consumer travel spend in the USA and Canada during the pandemic in our June 2021 Barcode Report.

The May Barcode: Home improvement spend in the USA
In our May Barcode Report, we explore how US consumer spend on home improvement projects has altered during the pandemic, and dive deeper into which home reno projects consumers are tackling this year!