Get to know us: Danny Piangerelli, CTO
Photo courtesy of Danny Piangerelli
In Part 1 of our Leadership Series, we introduce you to Danny Piangerelli! Read on to learn more about Danny and his role as Chief Technology Officer here at Sensibill.
Favourite food: My wife’s Manicotti
Favourite place: My Study
Hidden talent: I’m great on a Rip-Stik
Last book you read: In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen
Favourite quote: “It is not what a man does that is of final importance, but what he is in what he does. The atmosphere produced by a man, much more than his activities, has the lasting influence” — Oswald Chambers
Tell us about yourself (you know, where you grew up, what you studied in college, your hopes and dreams, that sort of thing!)
I grew up in Los Angeles, CA and moved to Austin, TX 15 years ago. My degree is in Management Information Systems. I’m an avid reader, music listener, and sports watcher. I love reading about leadership, science, science fiction, history, and religion. My music tastes range from avant-garde jazz to baroque classical to electronic. Coming from L.A., I’m a huge Lakers, Dodgers, Rams, and Kings fan.
What was your very first job in tech?
My first software job was as a developer for a consulting firm. We wrote supply chain software. It was an eye opening experience.
What drove you to pursue a career in technology?
I enjoyed, and still do, the concept of building something. I get most excited about bringing great people together, and embarking on a shared journey to produce something that brings real value to others.
What do you feel makes a great leader?
Fundamentally, a leader is someone who knows how to properly serve their team, building a team’s trust through service, listening, and encouragement. A team that trusts their leader is capable of accomplishing incredible things.
What’s the most important thing, in your opinion, that a company can do to support its employees?
Create a culture of trust. I’ve heard it said before that people don’t leave companies, but rather leave leaders. While I believe that, in principle, I believe that it’s more the case that people leave the culture that a leader, or leaders, creates. It’s encompassed in my favorite quote above, about the atmosphere a leader creates.
Top 3 accessories on your desk right now?
Airpods, Notebook, Coffee Mug.
How do you stay motivated, whether working in the office or remotely?
The people around me keep me motivated. I enjoy getting up in the morning to connect with great people.
Any causes you’re passionate about?
My kids and my family are a huge “cause” for me right now. Outside of that, I’m passionate about my church, and care for the poor that are affected by environmental degradation.
What impact do you hope to have on those around you, professionally and personally?
Growing leaders!
Why did you want to join Sensibill, and what do you hope to accomplish here?
To get a chance to work with some fantastic people, and to do my part to move our technical vision towards a robust platform vision.